Function Hike
This educational video game, developed by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas with support from The National Science Foundation, is protected by copyright laws and other intellectual property rights. All rights reserved.
The content, graphics, gameplay elements, audio, and any other materials incorporated within the video game are the sole property of the aforementioned institutions and are protected by applicable copyright laws.
The video game is made available to be played and shared free of charge for educational purposes. However, this permission is strictly limited to non-commercial, educational use only. Users are prohibited from modifying, distributing, selling, sublicensing, or exploiting the game or its components for any commercial purposes without prior written consent from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of this educational video game or its elements may result in civil and criminal penalties under copyright and intellectual property laws.
By accessing, playing, or sharing this video game, you acknowledge and agree to abide by these terms and conditions, and you understand that any violation of these rights may result in legal action.
For inquiries regarding the commercial use, licensing, or permissions related to the educational video game, please contact the University of Nevada, Las Vegas for further information.